Hi everyone, I come to you today with a plea for your help! My precious Puddy is in need of a surgery to save his life he is only 2 and has a reoccurring bladder obstruction caused by the formation of crystals in his urine that then block his ability to pee...This can lead to death he was in so much pain and I just couldn't stand to see him suffer but I can not put him to sleep not when there is so many wonderful animal lovers and lots of prayers out there can you please help puddy!
All you do is call in a donation anything will help I am including a poster with the information of the Vet hospital where Puddy is and Thank you from the bottom of our hearts...Puddy thanks you so much!!!
The hours are today until 7pm Saturday until noon and Monday they open a 7am we need to have as much of the total in there by Monday morning for them to move on with the surgery and the remanding paid by time to come home...Again thank you so much!!
Flea Market Gardening
I have been so busy working in the gardens..Spring arrived early this year not much of a winter this year so the flowers have been showing their pretty selves some as early as April all are about a month early....
I decided to make a potting bench on my back flagstone patio under the protection of my deck roof. A place where I can work on potting flowers and plenty of storage for my many gardening tools and accessories...
Everything was found at the Flea Markets my favorite place to shop!
I added the window to use for hanging tools and my garden apron.
And next to the dresser I added a vintage tool box to hold more tools
Spring and Summer is my favorite time of year! I love to work in my gardens and having a work space that makes you feel good is the best!
This cute little bench was made from an old head board and foot board how fun is that!
Thank you for stopping by today hope you enjoyed my Flea Market style of gardening!
Please stop by again and see what else I do in the gardens this year and Happy Gardening!
Today I want to share the story of true friendship..
A friendship that developed from sharing something as simple as our decoration passion it started out on the web site HGTV Rate My Space..
A bunch of ladies that wanted to share their rooms in their homes and their gardens that they did all by themselves.
We were looking for advice and another person's input on our decoration ideas. Through those postings and comments wonderful friendships evolved some of us moved over to Facebook and our friendships grew more...
Then one by one we started blogs to share our passions for decorating, treasure hunting, crafting, table scaping and gardening.
We have never met but share such a closeness and true friendship it is amazing!
One of my dear friends Liz Infuse with Liz blog from the HGTV days shared our friendship and blogs on her own blog today.
Please take a moment to go over and check it out
and thank you for visiting today.
Hope you have a wonderful week!
~My love of Primitives~
My Love of Primitives goes deep...There is something warm about pieces of the past....
The patina, the years of use of objects in someones kitchen...
I often wonder about the person that used them in their home...
Warm bread boards with the cut marks of many years of use..
Vintage kitchen tools, cookie cutters....
Crocks, butter churns and old rolling pins...
I love to make primitive crafts to display in my home with my vintage finds...
Just Loveeee this chippy old garden gate in my 4 season sun porch...
Thank you for stopping by and letting me share the warmth of vintage and primitives finds in my home please take a moment to leave me a comment Hugs...Sue
New Beginnings
New Beginnings For the
New Year!
For me that means starting over.
Starting new and fresh.
God has a new plan for me.
I will let him lead me to where I need to be in my life.
I am not looking back, I am going forward.
Wishing everyone a very
Happy New Year!
Life is good!
Thank you God for bringing me here!
Wishing All a Very Happy Thanksgiving!
A time for family and togetherness
Thankfulness & Traditions!
From my home to yours
Wishing you a wonderful and safe Holiday!
Happy Thanksgiving!
My Primitive Cabinet
First let me say Oops I forgot to take a before picture but it was not much just kinda beat up with water spots all over it. I have had this wonderful cabinet for a couple year I saved it from the burn pile YIKES!
I have it in the hallway up between my bedrooms and use it for blankets and some season clothes it needed a redo and I debated on what color I wanted to paint it but the black distressed finish won since I have been adding more Primitive to my house. Primitive country farmhouse look has always made me feel so warm and cozy.
I am still not sure if I will keep the glass knobs on it I really like them what do you think?
I am not sure what I will put on top of this fab cabinet maybe some quilts.
This past weekend I want to a Harvest Festival I love fall this is my fav time of year when I want to decorate more and bring the warm textures of wood and add more primitives to my home.
I pick up bread boards whenever I see them out at flea markets. They look so wonderful on your counter top with candles.
They don't make bread boards like this anymore! Look at all the beautiful cut marks on this beauty so prima-lucious!
Thank you for stopping! Hope you have a wonderful weekend and keep warm fall has arrived on the east coast get out and enjoy the wonderful colors before all the leaves are gone!
Happy Fall!
Fall is the most Beautiful time of year!
Fall is here!
The leaves are changing to such vibrant colors of Red, Gold and Orange it's a Wonderful time of year here in the mountains.
I love to add the colors of fall to my home it makes me feel so warm and cozy!
With my vintage finds the textures are amazing!
It's also a great time to get out the scrap fabrics and make some wonderful primitive crafts for my home.
These grungy primitive pumpkins were fun to make.
Some scrap fabric easy sewing, stuffing, paint and some coffee to give it that primitive look and you have your very own primitive pumpkin.
Grungy Primitive jars.
Just a simple mason jar some decoupage and coffee and they look great with little candles inside.
Found these ladder back chairs at the flea market I used some homspun fabric to redo the seats.
Thank you for stopping!
Hope you have a wonderful week and enjoy the wonderful colors of fall where ever you are!
Happy Fall!
~Some fun projects around the house this week~
I actually had some time to myself this week since I was off for 4 whole days that doesn't happen to often. So I thought after cleaning my house I would change some things around and then go dig in my garage for a couple easy projects.
The first one is my vintage apple pickin ladder which I bought at the Burlington Apple Harvest Festival that is always the first weekend of October which happens to be this coming weekend.
I know I will find something wonderful there to bring home so better get some things done to make room for some new fabulous junk I am sure I will drag home.
I had several ideas for this ladder but this is my favorite idea for it. I have seen it in Country sampler and at my favorite country store The Barn in Ridgely WV. So here is my version.
I have 9 foot ceilings in my great room so I hung this at the center between the kitchen and family room. It looks so cool and divides the rooms. I used things I already had I knew I would use them for this someday. I Love it!!
My next little project is an old cabinet door it had those tin punch outs with roosters tacked in the squares someone had painted over them and they needed to go so I tore them out painted it white distressed the edges and used a stain to give it an aged look, I added some chicken wire to the back and I have a shabby chic memo or picture display piece. Again this cost me just a little time I had everything here. I think this will look great with some vintage postcards.
Don't you just Love the little glass knob?
That's it for today I will be junk hunting this weekend so come back to see what I bring home.
Thanks for stopping. I enjoy hearing your comments hope to see you in a couple days.
Happy Junkin!!
A weekend trip to Shawnee State Park in Bedford PA
Hello everyone!
I went on a weekend getaway with my client to Shawnee State Park in Bedford PA a beautiful park with a very large lake, apple orchards and a real down home country feeling!
Bedford has some awesome antique shopping, indoor flea markets and great home town people!
We rented a lake side cottage with several apple trees in the yard and a fire pit for roasting marsh mellows and sitting around and talking.
The lakeside views were amazing and relaxing!
And then an evening walk with more beautiful views of the lake.
Beautiful beaches it's cool this weekend upper 60's mid 40's at night so the beaches are done for the year perfect for an evening walk.
The sun is going down time to get back, wrap up in a blanket with a good book before we have marsh mellows at the fire pit.
We went shopping in down town Bedford the next day on Sunday to several indoor flea markets.
I was so excited to go treasure hunting I could hardly sleep.
First stop was Hoke-E-Geez Love the name it is fun and it is full of vintage & Antique finds and just some very inexpensive shopping great place!
Now off to the next stop Founder Crossing on Main st in Downtown Bedford
Wonderful first floor full of primitive country finds and the downstairs Antiques in so many rooms it was hard to know if you got to every room.
I will be going back soon this town is only 40 miles from my home. I did find a few antiques and vintage finds for my collections I will share them next time.
I am going to start decorating for fall using some of these great finds.
Thank you for stopping please leave me a comment I enjoy hearing from each of you!
See you soon with some Primitive Country Fall Decorating.
Happy Hunting & Happy Fall to all!!!
~Some Fab finds to share today~
I got a chance to go junkin this past weekend just a local flea market in town I found some great treasures to add to my tag sale coming next month. And a couple keepers.
3 sturdy wonderful old vintage chairs!
Love the chippness of this old chair!
And the natural wood of this sister chair just perfect!
And this darling with the leather seat just needs a couple vintage tacks and she is perfect love the details on the back piece!

Now this vintage rocker I shared in an earlier post it was weathered and I rescued her before she rotted outside but the wood finish was peeling off so I gave her a good sanding and some country black paint sanded some edges to give it that aged look then I rubber her with some finishing wax and she is wonderfully Primitive and warm ready to go to a new home.
Some have a shoe fetish me I have a chair fetish. I loveeeeee old chairs they can be mixed to create a vintage primitive farmhouse look most are easy to fix and sturdy up others are to far gone and they make great potting chairs for you porch.
Have you rescued a chair today!
Hugs and I do hope everyone has a great week and weekend me I am going camping for the weekend hoping not to run into any critters up in the mountains of PA YIKES!
The early fall temps coming this week will bring out my least fav's snakes Yuck!
We will be only a few miles from my fav outdoor flea market Leighty's it is a 29 acre field filled with outside vendors and lots of rusty, chippy wonderful junk waiting for me to bring home!
Thanks for visiting and please leave me a comment I love to read each of them!
Happy Junkin!!!
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